Exchange 2010 – Wrong path for kerbauth.dll in IIS config

Exchange unattended installs can sometimes misfire, and I had an instance where the install path specified in the install script became


instead of


with a comma “,” replacing the space. As a result the PowerShell provider broke and local management functions were impaired.

Eventually I decided to uninstall and take the space out, since various combinations of singe and double quotes were interpreted differently across multiple machines and remove the spaces in the path entirely.

Actions thus far were to: Uninstall, Reboot, Reinstall, Reboot.

The Application event log showed a ton of errors generated by IIS-W3SVC-WP, specifically pointing to Kerberos and IIS.

The Module DLL D:\Exchange,Server\V14\Bin\kerbauth.dll failed to load.  The data is the error.

EXBPA confirmed the same thing

Incorrect kerbauth.dll loaded

The kerbauth.dll module loaded in IIS points to an incorrect location: 'D:\Exchange,Server\V14\Bin\kerbauth.dll'. It should point to 'D:\ExchangeServer\V14\Bin\kerbauth.dll'.

This isn’t something you can fix in the registry. The path to kerbauth.dll is specified in


which is a text file editable via Notepad. A search for the wrong path quickly revealed the wrong path, specifically:

<add name="kerbauth" image="D:\Exchange,Server\V14\Bin\kerbauth.dll" />

After correcting and saving  the file, the next step required is to issue an


on the command line.

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