Episode 35: Calendar – Outlook’s unsung hero!

Julia Foran

If you’re like us, your Outlook Calendar is the first thing you look at every morning and the last thing you look at before heading off to bed - days seem to get more and more busy and we need some way to organize and schedule our daily lives. For many of us though, the calendar functionality built into Outlook is something we all take for granted. In this episode, we’ll talk to Julia Foran who is a Program Manager on Outlook Calendar and works on the server-side features that are consumed by the Outlook clients. We talk about Ignite announcements and some of the improvements coming to Outlook Calendar.

Julia Foran is a Principal Program Manager on the Office 365 calendar platform and is responsible for maintaining service quality and innovating new calendar scenarios. A core objective of her team is to identify existing features that can be improved, and do the necessary backend work to improve the experience. Feel free to connect with Julia on LinkedIn

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