Migrating your Datacenter to Azure

Migrating your Datacenter to Azure

Warren du Toit and I will be presenting a free Webinar hosted by Kemp Technologies on the 20'th of April 2017.

We will be discussing the disciplines relating to doing a datacenter move for the very first time, including

  • Elasticity and SLAs, the promise of cloud
  • Basic cloud-based data center design from the ground up for IAAS newbies
  • Introduction to Azure networking architecture, including Express Route, hybrid networking, and DMZ designs
  • How to translate existing on-premises application requirements such as compliance, HA, and DR to cloud-based equivalents
  • Understand different migration approaches, including “lift and shift” to IAAS vs. a service translation approach
  • Creating an application taxonomy to document existing applications and services
  • Plus much more!

We would love it if you could join us at https://event.on24.com/eventRegistration/EventLobbyServlet?target=lobby20.jsp&eventid=1401453&sessionid=1&key=18DFD5763D31FF888FB2E81280E9E5B6&eventuserid=168016824

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